Acoustic Guitar Maintenance: Keeping Your Instrument in Top Shape
March 12, 2023

The acoustic guitar is a cherished companion that produces beautiful melodies and accompanies us through musical journeys. To ensure your acoustic guitar continues to perform at its best, regular maintenance is essential. Here are 10 tips for maintaining your acoustic guitar, helping you keep your beloved instrument in top shape:

1. Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is the foundation of acoustic guitar maintenance. Wipe down your guitar after each playing session to remove sweat, oils, and dirt that may accumulate on the strings and body. Utilize a soft, lint-free cloth to gently clean the guitar, being careful not to scratch the finish.

2. Proper Storage

Storing your acoustic guitar correctly is crucial to prevent damage. Keep the guitar in a case or bag to protect it from dust, temperature fluctuations, and potential accidents when not in use. Avoid leaning it against walls or furniture to minimize the risk of accidental knocks and falls.

3. Maintain Humidity Levels

Acoustic guitars are sensitive to changes in humidity, which can lead to cracks, warping, and other issues. Utilize a humidifier to maintain the ideal humidity level (between 40-50%) for your guitar, especially during dry winter months. A hygrometer can help monitor humidity levels in the guitar’s environment.

4. Restringing

Regularly restringing your acoustic guitar is crucial to ensure optimal tone and playability. Replace the strings when they become dull or show signs of wear. Follow proper restringing techniques to avoid damaging the guitar and maintain the correct tension on the neck.

5. Adjusting Action and Intonation

Action refers to the height of the strings above the fretboard, while intonation ensures accurate tuning along the entire length of the neck. These factors significantly impact the playability and sound of your guitar. Regularly check and adjust the action and intonation to keep your guitar in top playing condition.

6. Truss Rod Adjustment

The truss rod in your guitar’s neck helps counteract the tension of the strings and maintain a straight neck. If you notice changes in the neck curvature or excessive string buzzing, a truss rod adjustment may be necessary. However, this should be done carefully and preferably by a professional guitar technician.

7. Cleaning and Oiling the Fretboard

The fretboard of your acoustic guitar can accumulate dirt and grime over time. Utilize a soft, damp cloth to clean the fretboard and remove any buildup. Occasionally, apply a small amount of guitar-grade lemon oil to moisturize the fretboard and prevent it from drying out.

8. Checking Tuners and Hardware

Regularly inspect the tuning machines and hardware on your acoustic guitar. Tighten any loose screws or bolts and apply lubrication to the tuners to guarantee smooth and stable tuning.

9. Protect the Finish

The finish on your acoustic guitar gives it a beautiful aesthetic, and protecting it is essential for its longevity. Avoid exposing your guitar to direct sunlight for extended periods, as UV rays can fade the finish. Additionally, use a quality guitar polish to clean and protect the finish from scratches and blemishes.

10. Professional Maintenance

While there are many aspects of acoustic guitar maintenance that you can handle on your own, it’s also crucial to have your guitar professionally set up and maintained at least once a year. A professional luthier can perform more advanced adjustments, assess the structural integrity of the instrument, and address any potential issues.


By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that it remains in top shape, producing beautiful music for years to come. Treat your acoustic guitar as a cherished companion, and it will reward you with countless hours of musical joy and inspiration.